How many modern cities of this world, how old civilization has lost its cave, there is no statistic.
City Shichang
At present, the archaeologists are searching for cities of commemoration of those civilizations. Because of their constant effort, many lost cities have been discovered and being They have found many cities, many unknown history of ancient civilization are all open. From the researchers all the ordinary people show those signs as romantically thrilled. The architectural architecture of the time, the city planning image, the people's thinking and the strategic skills of science are all amazed.
Recently a group of archaeologists have found the existence of a city that has once been submerged under water. The name of the city is Shichang. This ancient city of China was once known as 'Lion City'.
Tourists also mark the city as Pub Atlantis. Many of the ancient cities of this city remain untouched today. At that time, there may be any damage due to punk roads, houses, monuments and temples submerged under the water. There is a lot of water behind this city. According to someone, the city plan was wrong because, according to someone, the city was drowned. Though the opinion is different, scientists are certain that people have been destroyed due to indiscriminate planning.
The city of Sichang has been developed
Sichang, a very ancient city situated in the foothills of Wu Hill (Five Lion Mountain) in Xizhong province of China. Distance from Shanghai to this city is 400 km The city is about 1300 years old. The city was established during the reign of Han dynasty from 25 to 200 AD. At that time the city's different structures were built. The city seems to be almost equal to about 62 football fields in the minds of archaeologists. The city's highway and the building, the great monuments and temples are a great example of the city civilization of that era. Later, the city is known as the eastern social, political and economic center of Jijiang province.
Immerse yourself in the water under the water
There are different ideas about how exactly the city could lose under water. However, according to most experts, the Chinese government is responsible for it's shocking plan. In 1959, the Attenborough Chinese government decided to build a hydroelectric project along with the Jinan Dam alongside the Shikeng city. For the implementation of the project, arrangements have been made to move three lakh people out of the embankment.
Apart from this, many people of the town lived in Shichang town for many centuries for families. Then the dam for the project is constructed. An artificial valley built to prevent dam water, Koundo And due to this Kainanda Lake, the whole city will be gradually swirled. And along with the old samples of urban civilization can be watered together.
The lost city is newly discovered
The Chinese people lost under the water, even the Chinese government, were making a mistake about the city. In order to know what the Chinese city is located in the 2001 Chinese city of Kyiv, the government has decided to take a team of archaeological inquiries into the Kyando Lake. As a result, the memories of the lost city are returned to the people of the lost city. Thus, the city lost in 2001 under water was re-discovered.
This investigative team found that more than 50 years have passed, the Siching city is almost inaccessible. The city's buildings, temples or other structures have been damaged. Due to the water sinking down, the city has been protected from various types of natural degradation due to air, rain, sun etc. The beauty of the city is still unrestrained.
Learn to still have characters around down the Kyando Lake; Image Source: Stevenbaker Dr.
In 2011, some pictures of China's National Geographic were published in the Shikeng city. As a result, the people who are searching for them think that the huge city of half a square kilometer area has become very interesting. A few days ago a group of divers visited the place that most of the city's wooden structure and design is very dirty. Structures are also very strong.
Bricks built with wooden stairs, the row rows are still the same as before. It does not fall into the chassis layer. The National Geographic's film shows the city's five entrances. Two entrances are located on the western side and the other gateway to the north, south and east of the city. The streets of the city were quite spacious. From the main road to the city streets there were 265 large-sized arcades.
Among the stone-made arches, various mythological figures such as lion, dragon and phoenix are found in the statue. Many archway inscriptions are still present. It is seen, many of these arches are old in 1777 AD. These inscriptions are also known to have been built in the sixteenth century as the city walls were built.
The tourism industry is developing a lost city center
Currently, the Shivek Nagar Kendra has been established in the Kyondo Lake and it has developed tourist center. China's dive institutions such as Big Blue and Gao Diving Club are using the city as tourist spots. Using a modern technology, there is a way of trying to go to the city.
They are willing to diving with the help of divers engaged in diving clubs, they show tourists to the ancient Shikshan city
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