An Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio's - Beautiful Earth

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An Oscar-winning actor Leonardo DiCaprio's

Leonardo DiCaprio, one of the most popular and talented actors of the current world, was finally able to pick up the award in 2016 after being nominated for the Oscars four times. He was rewarded for his role in 'The Revant'. The film was screened in Canada and Argentina's hostile environment. It was so hostile to the atmosphere that some of the crew called it 'hell'. In the film 'The Revant', the experience of acting, career and life has come up in the Dikaprio's interview. Part of the conversation that remains for the readers.

In a scene of 'The Revant' movie you have to eat raw liver while hungry. To illustrate the scene, did you really eat raw lizard?

Yeah, got eaten. Because they were the first artificial lizards that I first gave, it seemed to be artificial. So the real liver had to use. I had to eat a couple of times to catch the scene. The expression I have seen on the screen while eating is absolutely authentic. I did not have to play any role
It seems that the movie was quite difficult. If you are asked to rate a 10-scale scale, then how will you pay attention to the idea of ​​'The Revant'?

Ten to ten. Before we went to work, we all knew what we were going to do. It was not possible to work using CGI. So there was to work in the bari outdoor location.

Which part of the film has to suffer the most?

Vasanti was in full shooting. The coldest of all are cold. I took a special machine with me, looking like a big hairdryer. There were eight turtles in it. So I named it 'The Octopus'. I used to heat my body with that shot.

Are you introvert or extrovert in personal life?

Of course, outgoing. I love nature Where ever some people do not want to go to the primitive place where they have not feet. If there is a place like Amazon, there is a near near monastic experience, where there is no human civilization within a few thousand miles.

You have survived for a short time while traveling. Sharks in South Africa attacked you. Before that, the parachute was not accidental when he was in the accident. How did you feel at those moments? What was going on in the mind?

It's weird Because something very special or dramatic did not come to mind. Just seemed to think so: Dhyaat, why should this happen today? I'm young, I have a nice life in front of me, it is very bad. In fact, no other deep thoughts or emotions work without saving life.

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